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All the best cleaning and organizing tips from #cleantok

#cleantok is the cleanest place on the Internet.
 Tara Moore : Getty Images
These viral #cleantok tips have us stocking up on cleaning products and organization bins.

There's a corner of TikTok that isn't about celebrities or teens or memes we don't understand. It's a secret place where grown-ups gather to trade tips on the best way to de-gunk tile grout, the ideal way to vacuum perfect lines on a carpet and how to organize a laundry room so that it looks like a candy store.

Watching someone scrub out a tub might not seem exciting, but set with TikTok narration and the right song, it becomes semi-hypnotic.

Amongst our favourite #cleantoks, there are also super practical tips from cleaning professionals, inexpensive and all-natural hacks, and a schedule to avoid overwhelming chore days.  

We'll break down where to find the same (or similar) products in Canada with each video.


Popular TikTok lifestyle blogger takes us through her daily routine in one of # cleantok's most viewed videos (with over 7 million views).

She starts with laundry (, and are organized in clear jars). Next, she tackles the kitchen by loading the dishwasher and thoroughly wiping it . Then it's on to the floor (vacuum and spray mop), wiping down the wood tables, and tidying throw blankets and toys. It's an efficient way to tackle the daily to-do list so dishes don't pile up and counters and floors stay clean.

To embrace Benson's #cleantok style, you'll need:

  • Cereal bins by
  • An 
  • ibre cloths (20 pack)
  • A set of three plastic
Some cleaning motivation or y’all! 馃ぉ馃グ

This video isn't as viral as the others, but it has precisely the kind of hot tip that makes #cleantok so addictive. In it, filled a with a bathroom cleaner and got to work on a sink. This would be a great way to clear away stubborn toothpaste spots and grimy handles.  

Find both the  and (with bleach) at Amazon.

The best 鉁 @dishmatic


The kitchen sink is the catch-all of most homes because it seems like everything ends up near it or in it. This brilliant hack uses baking soda, white vinegar and warm water to give it a deep clean without buying any expensive products,

Find  at Amazon and  at Walmart. 

Who does this now?!鉁


This  isn't all over #cleantook just yet, but this has us intrigued. Essentially, the built-in vacuum suction replaces the need for a dustpan. Many users applaud the innovation, but some reviewers feel the execution isn't quite there yet.

Find it for $69.99 from . (It's also available at a higher price point at .)

It’s a broom 馃Ч AND a vaccuum 馃憦馃徎!


 is a cleaning company out of Orange County, California, full of great tips on how to load wine glasses in the dishwasher and how to put on a pillowcase correctly. They also make a very informative comparison of the spin mop versus the flip (spray) mop.

Find both the  microfibre spin mop and the microfibre spray mop on Amazon.

Spin Mop vs Flip Mop

But there's even more to the spin mop. Vileda has a new-ish that separates the clean water from the dirty mop. Genius, right? But for those who already own the original and don't want to replace it, came up with an ingenious solution. Watch the video to see how to DIY it.

Find the  and bucket at Amazon, or get an extra bucket from .

2 Bucket System Hack (updated)


De-cluttering can quickly become overwhelming without a plan. Reorganizing a closet, rearranging an overflowing pantry shelf or trying to tackle a junk drawer all in one day is too much stuff.  has a system that covers 20 days' worth of manageable projects (i.e. clear out old magazines, greeting cards and instruction manuals on day one) and questions to ask before deciding to toss or keep.

If the TikTok is a little hard to follow, printables are posted on .

Like many #cleantok organizers, clear bins are recommended, and there's an excellent section of  products on Amazon.

Reply to @caliemarie815 my best decluttering questions and tips! 鉁

Thanks to the wildly aspirational pantries on Instagram, the corner kitchen closet or small windowless room that once held our open boxes of cereal and cans are now supposed to look as if Martha Stewart personally arranged each spice jar. 

@izabelapyz's video is a little more usable and realistic than stacks of monochromatic products stacked neatly in bins (which is why those pantries always look so good on the 'gram—there's never any "after" photos after snack time). 

These are helpful because they handle bulk goods (like flour or oats) and fit in a cupboard, on a shelf or in a drawer. Easy to stack and mix and match sizes, too. Find the r on Amazon.

This mini pantry clean-out by  uses a lot of , clear containers (like these by , and a (available on Amazon) to give the space some depth.

Pantry organizing!


A is a worthwhile investment, and to keep it in tip-top shape, a deep clean of the deep cleaner is sometimes necessary. This video (also by ) takes us through washing the filter, brushes and various tubes and attachments.

Available directly at .

Deep Cleaning my Dyson V15



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