Are you ready to travel across Canada? Will you stop wearing a mask?
While British Columbia moved into Step 3 of its four-step restart plan on July 1, not everyone feels comfortable returning to their "pre-pandemic" lifestyle.
And while people are no longer required to wear face masks in public indoor settings, Premier John Horgan said in most settings.
Additionally, Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry emphasized that people need to continue to exercise caution and show respect for each other's boundaries.
Henry referred to the "golden rules for everybody" during
In addition to staying home when you're sick, Henry said people should continue to respect each other's personal space and appreciate that not everyone will feel comfortable moving forward with the eased restrictions.
"Not everybody's ready for a handshake now — we've never been through something like this before," she said. "It may be fist bumps and elbow bumps for a while yet for many people."
Everyone is moving forward at their own pace
The Government of British Columbia has released a new graphic that reinforces the message that not everyone will feel comfortable moving at the same pace with the province's restart plan.
The image shows four different animals that are moving at their own respective paces. A reddish-orange turtle is, naturally, moving the slowest, while a bright-blue hummingbird leads the group. A green rabbit is just behind the petite bird, while a massive purple moose ambles just ahead of the trepidatious turtle.
None of the animals appear to be focused on each other in the graphic. Instead, each one of the colourful characters focuses on their own journey.
The message?
"Consider others" by letting them move at their own pace.

Masks are recommended in indoor public places for all people 12 and older who are not yet fully vaccinated. Find out more information about as well as the restart plan.